Day by day she ripped up the newspaper less and became clean in the kennel so I racked my brains for something soft for her to lie down on. Then I remembered my son?s sleeping bag was rolled up in the bottom of my wardrobe. I laid it in the kennel one morning while Hippie was asleep in my daughter?s room, when she got up and saw it she went straight in the kennel and lay down. The sleeping bag stayed in one piece until I went back to work, then left alone ? she tore it up.

I would get home at night and pick up the stuffing that seemed to fill my kitchen then turn the sleeping bag so that she couldn?t see the holes and she would leave it alone until she was left the next day. We started asking around for old sleeping bags or quilts and thankfully a lady at work donated another sleeping bag. This one stayed whole ? so very daringly I bought her a cheap single quilt and cover. Hippie loved it and it lasted for two whole weeks!!! Then she started digging holes in it.

As I write this she is on her second duvet and cover and so far this one has survived without incident.

Top tip ? Visit charity shops early and buy lots of quilt covers etc so they can be washed ready for the event.