Top Tip ? Buy, borrow or otherwise obtain the book ?It?s me or the dog?

This was loaned to me when someone heard about Hippie and what a Godsend it was. The lady that wrote this book speaks sense and I have to say that her technique for getting an animal to sit works like a dream, even on an untrained two year old. In ten minutes flat Hippie was sitting to command.

The command ?Stay? has not quite worked, however. Hippie can only stay for around 30 seconds if everyone is standing still ? if we move Hippie moves too.

?Lie down? was an early starter, particularly when we were eating. I really do not like dogs around me when I am eating and from day one Hippie had to learn not to beg for food.

Top tip ? teach your family and any guests this too. If a dog is given food from a plate just once they will ask for it again. Training is for everyone!!!