Did I mention that my house is called Fairy Cottage ? this is due to the large amount of fairies that are in the house and garden ? I only mentioned the fact that I like them and I was given hundreds ? so many that I had created a small curbed area on the patio and filled it with a layer of coloured stones before placing the fairies on as a display.

Well that was in the past ? Hippie decided she would make that into her toilet ? unbelievable it was, watching her picking her way between the fairies and urinating on the stones. Greyhounds are not the most dainty of animals in fact they are quite clumsy considering how graceful they look. My mental note then was if she continued to do that we would lift the stones and the slabs beneath, add some gravel and make her a soak away toilet.

Top tip ? This really works ? it has been done and she does use it but only for urine!

Her area for solid waste became the top corner of the garden where after much pacing and circling she would perform after meals to almost rapturous applause but this took constant watching and perfect timing so that she was aware that it was time to ?go?.

hippies loo