The first puddle on her first night was on my lounge carpet and was more like a lake, but, as all the books say:

?Do not scold after the event, just clean it up and treat the area with water mixed with a biological detergent to kill the smell ? the dog will not go there again?.

Poppycock! It didn?t matter how much it was cleaned she kept going back to it and we became paranoid people standing outside in coats and boots encouraging the dog to do it outside. Looking back she must have thought we were insane ? I think we were at the time!

She was also very jumpy, the least little sound and she panicked I just knew then that this was not going to be easy. Also she followed anybody that moved (and that continues ? though to a lesser degree) ? she was continually on the go.

We got through the first evening and eventually she went to bed on her duvet in the corner of my daughter?s room.

Peace at last (for me at least ? I wasn?t on the night shift)