Female Tabanus Horse Fly
Creative Commons License photo credit: Opo Terser

I got home from my weekend away on Sunday to discover that my daughter had been bitten on the arm by an insect whilst walking the dog on Saturday.

Considering she didn’t feel a thing it looked very swollen and red – there wasn’t much we could do about it though on a Sunday so a dose of  anti-histamine was administered and lets see how it is in the morning…..

Monday morning came and my girl was in a lot of pain – her arm had swollen and there were little blisters appearing.

She was on a late shift at work that day so booked a doctors appointment.

The doctor said “Oh God!” when he saw it which, on reflection, is enough to scare any patient – he then prescribed two different anti biotics and drew a line in biro around the affected area – telling her if the swelling and redness crossed the line she would need intravenous anti-biotics.

On Tuesday morning it seemed a little easier with less redness although the redness had definitely crossed the doctor’s line, in fact the area was going white – my daughter said she would update the doctor but she felt it was improving.

She saw a different doctor who said he thought it had gone past an allergic reaction and that he was going to treat her for cellulitis. He told her to go home and wait for a phone call to arrange for an i.v canula to be inserted and anti biotics to be given through it.

The first pair of nurses came last night fitted the canula, and gave the first dose.

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This morning it is still looking swollen and angry and is painful but my daughter says it is not as bad as before pain-wise…..

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Hopefully, with district nurses calling twice a day to administer  the drugs – she will now start to get better.

To be fair she is more worried about missing work after only a short time at her new job …. that is the least of my worries as you can imagine!!!

Firstly I want to kill the insect …… if it’s not dead already!!!!