Well, here we are, its the end of July and yes, its raining outside!
Where oh where have the idyllic summers of my youth disappeared to?
But, it has saved me from weeding the raised bed in my large patio of a garden – some of you will remember that my daughter bought me a selection of plants for that very bed on Mother’s Day this year.
They have been doing very well
Some of them have already flowered once and are looking as though they will again, others are flowering now:
Although something has been chomping at the pansies..
The hebes and my pretty potentilla are doing remarkably well considering I know nothing about gardening!!!
But the weeds are having a ‘field day’ – pun intended.
Never mind I’ll deal with them next weekend – if it doesn’t rain!
Oh by the way do you remember this guy?
The cutting brought back from Tenerife….. this was taken one month ago….
Just look at him now!
I’m obviously doing something right for a change!!!!
you certainly have green fingers. Well done.
you are doing very well! It’s been pouring with rain all day today here too.
Lovely to see flowers, I can’t wait for spring frankly. My mum used to like Hebes, I’d forgotten all about them. You’re lucky that you can bring cuttings into the country we’re a bit funny about that over here.
Well done indeed. Curious how attached we can become to a little patch of plants. Love the indoor cutting!
I suspect you aren’t supposed to be taking cuttings into the country, but it is rather lovely, isn’t it?
Thanks Grannymar – Although its early days yet but so far I am quite impressed!!
Val – I know – it seems to wait for the weekend doesn’t it?
Baino – I was looking for something hardy as the whole area is overshadowed by trees – and those little Hebes – they have amazed me, the garden centre were practically throwing them away at 20pence each. I think they thought they were dying – but obviously not!!
No – we cannot bring plants in – but that piece was just broken off, washed and packed in a plastic bag – hardly a plant. They do actually sell them at the airport but for an extortionate price!!
Cortes – oh I dare not let them die – my daughter would go mad!! She, like me, does not understand ‘gardening’ but loves to see things grow.
Yes I love my little triffid too – thought about repotting and splitting them up so they can spread but I think its probably too soon!
DBM – I know but as I said to Baino – one can buy them to take home – soil and all!!! I do hope it gets the pretty flowers too but that may take some time!!!
The weather’s been rather nice up to now …… hasn’t it? I think I might get a wee bit more than you do ……
Those bricks look very similar to the ones that I’m trying to beat into submission ….. one day our garden will look as nice as yours ……. I hope …..
Green fingers or not the flowers are lovely Kate – and that little Spanish ‘spider'(?) plant is a credit to you!
Daddy P – Those bricks were just left lying around when I bought the bungalow so we made good use of them – originally the raised bed was made so that my Mum could reach it from her wheelchair when I got her over for a visit – she was the gardener but I’m afraid its down to me now!!
I’m sure your garden will be lovely – just like your house… its early days yet!!
Geri – Thank you – that little fella should get pretty daisy like flowers in fluorescent colours that only open in the sunshine…. probably won’t see them much but I will definitely get photos!!!!
Wrote a comment and it looked to have disappeared, I will have to wait and see if it made it or not. So much for my multi-tasking skills.
Well – I give up! It lets me do one liners, but can’t get anything longer up there Kate. Don’t know what the problem is.
Very nice job on the last bit, certainly looks happy to me too – you must be doing something right as you said. Summer colors are fading here, we are getting into the Summer Blahs season. But we are hanging on with windows wide open!
ahh-ha. I won’t let me comment with a url in my content.
Wow, the illegal seedling is doing really well, isn’t it? Looks like a lovely plant, too! I wonder what it is?
Raining again here too. I just got in from a walk with Sid, he with his England raincoat, and me with my totally waterproof market jacket, dodging the snails again… oh the joys of an English summer! LOL!
Whoa – Sistertex not just multi-tasking but multi-commenting too!!! I like all the seasons really and that is just as well as they can’t be avoided!
Jay – sssshhhhhh!! I don’t know what it is but the patch it was acquired from had small mysembrianthum-type flowers in bright colours – that only opened in the sunlight!
Answer on a postcard?
Scritches to Sid!!! Posh boy in a mac??
Ah .. yes, looks as if it could be in the same family, doesn’t it? I hope you’ll post pics if it flowers!
Lets not get too far ahead Jay – my track record with plants is abysmal – if it flowers, if it survives I’ll do pictures!!!!! 😉
Well the rain has certainly stopped me from working hard in the garden but the jobs are mounting and there is much to do. How we need some warm sun.
Hello Barbara – too right we do … trouble is the weeds go mad whether it rains or shines!!! Your garden is so pretty – you must be itching to get out on it!!!
FLIPPIN ECK KATE!!!!!!! It certainly has grown since it left our sunny shores. Wonder what colour daisy it will produce? But if it gets much bigger I would watch your fingers when near to it. Afraid to report my two englsh rose bushes are struggling a little to cope with the Summer here. Love to all Sharon X
Hi Sharon – Its good to have you visit my dear!!! I doubt it will ever flower – it keeps going into WILT mode! I have had to repot it …its still alive but considering they are not supposed to drink much water – it is a thirsty beast!!! I’ll let you know how it goes!!
If all else fails we’ll be in Bahia Blanca in November and I’ll grab another piece!! Love to you all there too!!!xxxx