Well,  here we are, its the end of July and yes, its raining outside!

Where oh where have the idyllic summers of my youth disappeared to?

But, it has saved me from weeding the raised bed in my large patio of a garden – some of you will remember that my daughter bought me a selection of plants for that very bed on Mother’s Day this year.

They have been doing very well

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Some of them have already flowered once and are looking as though they will again, others are flowering now:

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Although something has been chomping at the pansies..

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The hebes and my pretty potentilla are doing remarkably well considering I know nothing about gardening!!!

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But the weeds are having a ‘field day’ – pun intended.

Never mind I’ll deal with them next weekend – if it doesn’t rain!

Oh by the way do you remember this guy?

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The cutting brought back from Tenerife….. this was taken one month ago….

Just look at him now!

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I’m obviously doing something right for a change!!!!