Just as a change from Singapore and my holiday last week in Tenerife to spend my birthday near to my brother and his family, I would like to introduce you to this young man..

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I flew back on Saturday and on Sunday morning I fetched him to his new home? this photo was taken in the first five minutes of arriving back here!

Alfie is 14 weeks old and gorgeous!

He is a Whippet with a little bit of Bedlington Terrier in there somewhere!

He started off cowering when he was being touched and had runny eyes, itchy ears and a tummy problem.

He also had a strange smell about him so first of all ? a bath was needed?

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and a cuddle of course..

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He was introduced to his crate which he is quite happy with, thank goodness

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And 3 days on after a visit to the vet for ear and eye treatment plus first vaccination ? he is feeling a little better..

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He had some presents that squeaked ? they scared him at first but this morning he felt much better about them..

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Chasing them round the kitchen and the garden ? no photos there I?m afraid ? he?s far too quick for me!!!!

So?? I will finish the Singapore story and add my Tenerife Tale but at the moment a smaller waggy tail is taking over my home and I might have to do some dog blogging again!!!!!